Saturday, June 23, 2018

LIS 568, Week 4

After reading a couple of my classmate's discussion board posts, I started to think about just how much students, teachers and parents don't know about what's appropriate and not appropriate in this digital world.  This website provides lesson plans and student activities for all grades.  It could be a very useful tool to use in the classroom.  It can also be communicated with parents so that they can explore it at home with or without their child.  I think this could be a good start for a teacher to break the ice when needing help on this subject.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

LIS 568, Week 3

I feel that using Twitter in the library would be a great tool for teaching students about digital citizenship.  I've been using Twitter for 2 years with my high school baseball team.  I can communicate everything that's pertinent to our team through Twitter.  I can even send individual messages, which I learned to do this past season.  I feel that using Twitter as early in middle school would greatly benefit students.  We can have a Twitter account for each class.  Assignments and ideas could be shared throughout the school year.  Once the teacher feels each class is comfortable with Tweeting, the classes can share ideas through Twitter and comment.  This would be a good exercise for the students to learn how to properly manage their digital citizenship.  The earlier they learn proper online etiquette, the better it will be for them.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

LIS 568, Week 2

In reading a discussion post from a classmate, I came across AV2.  I had never heard of AV2, so I googled it.  AV2 takes the printed version of a book and puts it online for students.  The pictures are in full color and have audio for the reading impaired students.  This is a wonderful option for school librarians to use in the elementary grades.  The librarian can select a book and have it read to the class.  There are also interactive links with questions and facts related to the reading.  It's a great tool for any teacher, not only the school librarian.

Here is the website: